Shareholder Hawks Quindel Tel: (414) 269-1210 | Email: Labor and Employment Lawyer of the Year 29 Lawyer Monthly Women in Law Awards 2024 Summer H. Murshid Summer, as a featured attorney in this special Women in Law publication, could you share your insights and experiences about navigating the legal profession as a woman, particularly in the areas of employment law and advocacy for workers’ rights? As a young female attorney starting out in my career 15 years ago, it took me a little while to find my footing and feel comfortable asserting myself around older, more experienced attorneys in the field. My ability to grow into the role I am in now, including moving into a shareholder role, is largely attributable to incredible female mentors early in my career. They were able to provide guidance, constructive criticism and encouragement, which created a work environment that gave me confidence in assessing cases, negotiating with opposing counsel and building a rapport with my clients. I am forever grateful to them for their support and for their faith in me to do work that I wasn’t sure I was ready to do myself. As part of our special Women in Law publication, we are delighted to feature an interview with Summer H. Murshid of Hawks Quindel law firm. Summer has built a distinguished career in employment law and advocacy for workers’ rights, navigating the legal profession with resilience and dedication. In this interview, she shares her journey from a young attorney finding her footing to becoming a shareholder, thanks to the guidance of incredible female mentors. Summer also discusses her motivations, approaches to complex cases, the importance of nonmonetary victories for her clients, and how she balances her demanding career with her personal life. Join us as we delve into Summer’s insights and experiences that have shaped her impactful career in law. USA
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