Lawyer Monthly - Women In Law Awards 2024

United Kingdom that the details of the dispute and any settlement reached remain private. This can be particularly advantageous for businesses concerned about protecting sensitive information or maintaining their reputation. In commercial disputes, maintaining business relationships can be crucial. Mediation provides a non-adversarial environment where parties can work together to find mutually acceptable solutions, preserving valuable business relationships in the process. By resolving disputes through mediation, clients can mitigate the risks associated with litigation, such as unpredictable outcomes, potential damage to reputation, and the emotional toll of prolonged legal battles. Mediation allows parties to tailor solutions to meet their specific needs and interests. This flexibility can result in more sustainable agreements that address the underlying concerns of all parties involved. Mediation has a high success rate in resolving disputes. Many clients are drawn to mediation because it offers a greater likelihood of reaching a mutually acceptable resolution without the uncertainty and expense of going to trial. Overall, commercial mediation offers clients a cost-effective, efficient, and collaborative approach to resolving disputes, making it an increasingly popular choice for businesses seeking to resolve conflicts in a manner that is beneficial to all parties involved. Over the years you have worked in the industry, how have you seen changes around diversity and how does IPOS ensure active consideration for social impact? I would say that in recent years, the mediation industry has seen significant changes regarding diversity, both in terms of the mediators themselves and the parties involved in mediation. Whilst working for IPOS Mediation I have witnessed a growing recognition of the importance of diversity among mediators. Efforts have been made to increase the representation of mediators from diverse backgrounds, including different ethnicities, races, genders, sexual orientations, religions, and socioeconomic statuses. This diversity helps ensure that mediation processes are inclusive and culturally sensitive. There is a growing recognition of the intersectionality of identities and how they intersect to shape individuals’ experiences and perspectives. Mediators are increasingly mindful of these intersections and their potential impact on the mediation process. This includes considering factors such as race, gender, sexuality, disability, and socioeconomic status when working with parties in mediation. Mediation provides a platform for these individuals to have their voices heard and to seek resolution in a more equitable and empowering manner. Can you tell us what It means to you to win this award, do you have any advice for other women who might be entering the industry for the first time? Entering the commercial mediation industry can be a rewarding career choice. My advice would be to obtain formal training in mediation techniques and conflict resolution if you can. Seek opportunities to gain practical experience in mediation by observing experienced mediators. Networking is essential in the mediation industry. Attend conferences, workshops, and networking events to connect with other mediators, legal professionals, and potential clients. Building relationships with key stakeholders in the industry can lead to referrals and opportunities for collaboration. Commit to lifelong learning and professional development. Stay informed about developments in mediation theory and practice and seek feedback from colleagues and clients to identify areas for improvement. Reflect on your experiences and strive to refine your skills over time. Be patient and realistic about the challenges you may encounter along the way. Stay committed to your goals, remain flexible in your approach, and embrace opportunities for growth and learning as you navigate your career in commercial mediation. 35 Lawyer Monthly Women in Law Awards 2024 “Overall, commercial mediation offers clients a costeffective, efficient, and collaborative approach to resolving disputes, making it an increasingly popular choice.”

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