www.dsl-lawyers.com JULIA HEROLD LAWYER AND PARTNER AT DSL LAWYERS When did you know you wanted to become a lawyer? In my last years of school, I knew I wanted to study law. How did you decide litigation and private law were what you wanted to specialise in? What motivates you about this area of law? During my university years I was more interested in criminal law and wanted to work for an international criminal Court. I was always fascinated by the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials that prosecuted war crimes and atrocities. But when I startedmy traineeship in aprivate lawfirmIwasdrawnby the private law cases I was working on. The challenges of understanding the civil law principles and concepts and applying them to concrete cases, drafting pleadings and arguing in Court became very attractive to me. I found private law intellectually more challenging than criminal law. Women in Law Awards 2021 TMT, CYBERSECURITY & PRIVACY CHINA - 100 -
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