Women in Law Awards 2021 CZECH REPUBLIC - 17 - DR. ANDREA KŮS POVAŽANOVÁ ČERMÁK A SPOL. T: +420 296 167 111 | E: intelprop@apk.cz | W: www.cermakaspol.com ABOUT DR. ANDREA KŮS POVAŽANOVÁ Dr. Andrea Kůs Považanová - Slovak and Czech attorney-at-law. In 1993 – 1998 she studied at the Faculty of Law of Komensky University in Bratislava. She participated in expert trainships with the Constitutional Court in Kosice (1997), the Council of Europe in Strasburg (1999), the International Institute for Public Administration in Paris (1999), and the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg (2002 – 2003). In 2001 she successfully defended the thesis “European Court of Human Rights in Strasburg and Procedure Before It”. In 1998 – 2002 she was legal adviser of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic. Since 2003 she has been legal assistant in the Law and Patent Office Cermak a spol. In 2005 she was admitted to the Bar not only in the Czech Republic but also in Slovakia. Since 2010 she has been a partner with Cermak a spol. law office. FIRM PROFILE Čermák a spol. is a law and patent office specializing in Intellectual Property Law. Its services are highly sought after particularly in this area, especially when industrial property law matters, such as Trade Marks and Patents. Formally Čermák a spol. is incorporated as a public commercial company of attorneys and thus provides legal advice according to the Act no. 85/1996 Coll., on Attorneys, as amended. This means that the clients are assured that they will be provided with best available advice by qualified and registered practitioners, that their matters will be maintained confidential, and that the company will not act against their interests. Čermák a spol. has a team of more than 40 experts in industrial property law, including more than 8 attorneys at law and five patent attorneys. Čermák a spol. has been active since 1990 and in that time has acquired invaluable in-house knowledge that is not available to less specialized firms. Čermák a spol. has been awarded numerous domestic and international industry awards and the company is recognized locally and internationally as one of the leading IP firms in the Czech Republic. Čermák a spol. is also active in Slovakia. AREAS OF EXPERTISE • Intellectual Property Law • Industrial Property Rights • Inventions – Patents, Utility Models • Brand Protection/Trade Marks • Designs • Unfair Competition • Commercial Law • Civil Law UNFAIR COMPETITION
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