will create an environment where their employees love to be, where they can innovate and participate, and feel like their voice is heard. These employees become engaged, and they drive the business forward. Consequently, these organisations will attract more aligned people who will continue that mission. Among the factors that lead to a more engaged workforce, do diversity and inclusion feature prominently? Oh yes. I view a workplace as a living and breathing entity that needs to reflect the community it serves, its ideal client base, and the world-at-large. If your company culture is completely homogenous, you are not going to attract new talent. Nor will you hear new ideas that come from people with different backgrounds and perspectives. Not only is it closed-minded toward others, it’s short-sighted for the organisation. Think of all the perspectives, experience, and approaches that a non-diverse, non-inclusive organisation cheats itself out of. It’s a loss for everyone really. Having a workplace be a microcosm reflecting the greater public is both just and wise. You went from working for the federal government and doing a lot of “behind the scenes” advocacy to becoming a tremendously visible leader in the consulting and coaching worlds. Was there a particular impetus for the change? I have spent the better part of twenty years in and out of hospitals. For me, that is where the sense of urgency comes from; when you are told that you might not make it through the night, you suddenly become very clear on what matters and what your vision and mission and purpose are. While I had battled various health issues for decades, in 2019, I was diagnosed with uterine cancer, and something inside me shifted. When the doctor called to tell me it was cancer, time stopped, and all I could think about in that moment was that I had been playing small. I had done all of these incredible things in my life, but I had been doing them behind the scenes. That was the moment where I said: “No more playing small. I am going to step out from the shadows, use my voice, and step into the full embodiment of who I am meant to be.” That’s really when I began writing my books, speaking on stages, and being more of a media presence. It’s when I created my publishing houses and my programs. It’s when I stepped up my advising and consulting, and when I doubled-down on my determination to empower others. You see, the single most valuable thing that each of us has is our voice. It is up to us how we use it and whether we use it as a force for good in the world. I know tomorrow is not promised, but so long as I have breath in my body, I am going to use my voice to advocate for others and for change. Discrimination&HumanRights Lawyer of theYear USA 20
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