Chrissie Cuming Walters is a dual-qualified solicitor and US attorney who specialises in family law. She also has extensive expertise in the financial issues arising from relationship breakdowns, and worked in the offices of the general counsel in a multinational brokerage house and a securities regulation think tank prior to embarking on her career in family law. In addition to spouses and partners, Chrissie also regularly acts for cohabitees on relationship breakdown, especially in cases that involve property interests. She is often called to advise on the application of the ToLATA in cases where a partner’s ownership or rights in a property has not been recorded. Chrissie and has dealt with the courts at all levels, including the UK supreme Court and the Court of Appeal. She regularly deals injunctions with cases involving domestic abuse. Where appropriate, Chrissie is able to guide clients through the alternative dispute resolution process and provide assistance in negotiations. If unavoidable, she can call upon a wealth of experience as a trained litigator and advocate. ChrissieCuming Walters UnitedKingdom FamilyLaw, Financial Settlements Lawyer of theYear Partner at Keystone Law My career in lawwill soon span two decades, two countries and four states. 23
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