Dulce Alvarez Fresco

Dulce Alvarez Fresco

Dulce Alvarez Fresco

Senior Internet Technology Lawyer

About Dulce
I am a Senior Lawyer, specialized in privacy, regulatory and information management of internet services and new internet technologies. From the beginning of my professional career, my primary area has been on internet services and products.

Since 2005, I have been focusing my professional career on law and new technologies, starting with web infrastructures, then moving on to E-commerce and privacy protection for online users, and currently evaluating AI for speci?c law and digital rights risks, such as discrimination, misinformation, cybersecurity, privacy, and data protection. I work alongside computer engineering concepts, cables, and devices. I belong to that category of silent and anonymity lawyers who contribute to protect the rights and freedoms of online users.

For sure, if you use internet every day, you've had to use one of the privacy legal options designed by me.

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